The debut album from Glasgow’s Projekt A-Ko starts with the ebbing and flowing of
Hey Palooka! which reminds me of Drop Nineteens song Winona, the way it jerks and spasms over a fuzzy swell.
Nothing Works Twice is very Pavement slacker cool, with cool indie girl backing vocals and a shrugging chorus. There’s a cool a ha ha bit too.
Supertriste Duxelle is another slacker pop classic, with added fuzziness around the edges and latent urgency.
Here Comes New Challenger! is much more like the disjointed Pavement we love, guitars slinking this way and that, before launching into a killer chorus, while
Molten Hearts is despairing power pop and
Scintilla slows things to a doped up crawl.
Ichiro On Third has a lovely breakdown, and reminds me of the cuddly messiness of Archers of Loaf,
Utopia has a spiralling ending and
Yoyodyne (Scintilla II) is a tenderly crafted ballad, a change of tack and the reflective sun baked tone suits them well.
Don’t Listen To This Song follows on in a similar vein, providing a different finish to a good, if somewhat samey album.
Yoyodyne is out now on Milk Pie Records
Projekt A-Ko myspace is
Cheers for the review, I've been really looking forward to hearing their stuff having followed Urusei back in the day!
interview and some songs over on http://indiemp3couk.wordpress.com/
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