The latest album from Icelandic composer Olafur Arnalds shows no sign of a let up of quality. This one is a score to choreographer Wayne McGregor’s latest dance piece. Opening track Fra Upphafi is less than two minutes, heralding the storm clouds. Lokadu Augunum (Dyad 1909 version) is the solemn sight of a funeral plodding through a grey village. Brotsjór is cracking industrial machinery on the outskirts of town, men slaving away on long shifts. Vid Vorum Sm... (Dyad 1909 version) really serves as a mid album intermission, passing from one side to the next. 3326 bobs and weaves around some beautiful violin playing, the first point of liveliness on the album. It then whips up into a frenzy like a shipping boat being tossed around in a storm. Til Enda features a maudlin violin picking its way through some shuddering electro beats and works pretty well. Finally …og Lengra is a rather sad, sombre end to the album. Dyad 1909 is out now on
Erased TapesOlafur Arnalds myspace is
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